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Fueling Double-Digit Growth


Behind the scenes is a strategic partner...

Adragos Pharma GmbH - Raymon Danser

Picture this: A globally operating pharma company, Adragos Pharma GmbH, grappling with the complexity of multi-bank cash management amid rapid growth.
As Adragos Pharma's rapid double-digit expansion and acquisitions take center stage, behind the scenes is Cobase, their strategic partner navigating the complexities of multi-bank management.
Cobase empowers Adragos to focus on their ambitious growth strategy, while we seamlessly connect and manage their diverse banking landscape. From automating manual tasks to implementing our in-house banking module for efficient intercompany loan management, we ensure Adragos' financial operations run smoothly and securely.
Ready to unlock the secrets behind Raymon Danser's strategic vision that's fueling Adragos' explosive growth?

Read the client story